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Théophile Protospatharios: un précurseur byzantin de l'urologie

Theophilus protospatharius (7th century): a byzantine precursor of urology


Théophile Protospatharios médecin à la cour byzantine d'Héraclius (610–641), a particulièrement préoccupé les historiens en raison de ses écrits. Cependant, peu de choses sont connues de sa vie. Pour ce qui concerne l'urologie, Théophile par ses écrits et ses études sur l'uroscopie est automatiquement rangé parmi les précurseurs de l'urologie.


Theophilus Protospatharius was a physician in the court of the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius (610–641). His interesting medical manuscripts have been studied by many historians, although very little is known about his life.

In Byzantium, it was not unusual for prominent people to have many names according to their work, political status etc. Due to his piety, Theophilus is also known by two other names: Philotheus (the person who loves God) and Philaretus (virtuous).

These last names have led to confusion and historians believed that two different medical men lived in Byzantium during the seventh century: Theophilus and Philaretus. This was probably the result of an error in copies of ancient texts and erroneous translations of old Latin manuscripts. These errors have been corrected after the studies of Corlieu who stated in 1885 that Theophilus and Philaretus were one and the same person.

The written scientific work left by Theophilus is very extensive. He continued the work of famous physicians of the Hellenistic period and contributed by his writings to the flourishing of the Medical School of Salerno which was founded in the 9th century AD.

If the references presented here succeeded in convincing the readers that Theophilus and Philaretus were one and the same person, then undoubtedly he could be considered to be one of the fathers of modern Urology.


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Androutsos, G. Théophile Protospatharios: un précurseur byzantin de l'urologie. Androl. 15, 316–323 (2005).

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