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Les Hommes XYY

XYY males


La constitution 47,XYY est par ordre de fréquence la 2ème dysgonosomie, elle représente 1/851 à 1/1 000 naissances masculines.

Mis à part leur grande taille, ces hommes ne se distinguent en rien de la population générale. Les quelques difficultés d’apprentissage rencontrées sont facilement jugulées par un soutien familial et éducatif, ce d’autant plus facilement qu’elles ne sont pas dues à un retard mental. Une prise en charge adéquate leur permettra de devenir des adultes avec une bonne adaptation familiale, conjugale et sociale. Le plus grand nombre est fertile et leur descendance est normale par élimination au cours de la spermatogenèse de l’Y surnuméraire.


The constitution 47,XYY is the second most common dysgonosomy, occurring at frequencies of between 1/851 to 1 1.000 male births.

A part from their large size, these men are physically no different from the population in general. Their occasional learning difficulties are easily resolved by family and educational support. As children, they tend to be quick tempered but we not agressive towards others. They have difficulty in concentrating and appear to be disturbed by an unstable family environment which can lead to problems of delinquency. Careful upbringing allows them, as adults to adjust well in family, conjugal and social situations.

The majority are fertile and their offspring normal, since the supernumary Y is eliminated during spermatogenesis. When regulation of this process is defective, oligospermy or azoospermy appears to result. However, the proportion of XYY subjects which are sterile due to this phenomenons is not well known. Likewise, their eventuel predisposition to hematological malignancies has not been well investigated. Further studies should resolve these questions.


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Amblard, F., Jalbert, P. Les Hommes XYY. Androl. 4, 197–204 (1994).

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