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Cryptorchidie et cancer du testicule

Cryptorchidism and testicular cancer


A history of cryptorchidism is the only risk factor for testicular cancer that can be considered unequivocally established. The rate of cryptorchidism at age 3 months appears to have increased over the 30 years from 1.7% to 3.2%. From a review of the literature, the overall proportion of testicular cancer patients with a history of cryptorchidism is approximately 10%. Case-control studies indicate that the relative risks of testicular cancer associated with a history of cryptorchidism are about 6. Prevalence of testicular cancer in patients with a history of cryptorchidism could range between 2% and 3%, as reported in studies from North European Countries. Orchidopexy itself or age at orchidopexy seem to have no effect on the subsequent risk of testicular cancer; however, data from the literature are somewhat discrepant. But orchidopexy does seem to influence the histologic type of malignancy, with a lower frequency of seminoma. The developement of non invasive techniques is badly needed to allow population screening for testicular cancer.


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Mieusset, R. Cryptorchidie et cancer du testicule. Androl. 4, 190–196 (1994).

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