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  • Fertilité et Sexualité du Paraplégique
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Le vécu de la sexualité chez les paraplégiques

How paraplegic patients live their sexuality


La paraplégie modifie les réponses sexuelles de l’homme. Au dessus de T1O, les réactions sont de type réflexe non ressenties et des artifices érotiques sont nécessaires.

Dans les atteintes basses complètes, des artifices techniques doivent pallier l’impuissance et l’anéjaculation mais ceux-ci sont souvent mal tolérés.

Dans les atteintes D12 L1 incomplètes, les réactions dont le caractère reste incomplet ne se font qu’en réponse à un mécanisme psychogène.

L’ajustement de chaque paraplégique se fait dans le cadre d’un travail de deuil qu’il faut bien connaître pour pouvoir l’accompagner sur le plan médico-psychologique en laissant du temps au temps.


In spinal cord injury, sexual reactions have a common dimension with ablebodied mankind, but also particular features corresponding to particular neurological syndromes. The third dimension which has to be taken into account is the singular one, every man, paraplegic or able-bodied, being unique.

When the level of the lesion is above T10, genito-sexual responses to stimulations have a reflex functioning. In such cases, erotic tricks must be used to complete psycho-physiological reactions. On the contrary, technical devices are ill-tolerated both by the paraplegic man and by his spouse.

Incomplete lesions in T12-L1 have to psychogenic responses to stimulations, i.e. partial erection and/or semen emission due to the neurophysiological mecanisms of desire.

In the complete lesions of the conus medullaris or of the cauda equina, men become impotent and can no longer produce semen. In such cases, technical devices and drugs directly injected in the corpus cavernosum are technically efficacious but psychologically ill-tolerated.

Facing his new sexual responses, the paraplegic man and his spouse have to adjuste themselves to the new circumstances. The way of adjustment is similar to a mourning process. One has to pay attention to let every paraplegic live every period of adjustment on his own, and at the same time one must be present to help him and answer his questioning.


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Berard, E.J.J. Le vécu de la sexualité chez les paraplégiques. Androl. 4, 154–159 (1994).

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