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Reactivite thermique de la peau scrotale chez l’homme

Thermal reactivity of the scrotal skin in man


Although the existence of heat exchange between the testicular artery and the adjacent veins is well known, it may be insufficient to maintain the lower temperature of the testis. In order to investigate the role of the scrotum in testicular thermoregulation, the dynamics of scrotal and other skin temperatures was studied in relation to thermal stress. The results of this study revealed that the scrotal skin exhibited a greater thermal inertia than did other skin areas. This finding may be due to modifications in scrotal blood flow patterns as temperature increased, as well as changes in the scrotal surface area. Other possible thermoregulatory factors may include the evaporation of sweat from the scrotum. In conclusion, there seems to be a complex collection of mechanisms, rather than a single specific mechanism, regulating testicular temperature.


La comparaison du décours des températures scrotales avec celui d’autres températures cutanées lors de contraintes thermiques témoigne d’une plus grande inertie thermique scrotale.


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Becmeur, F., Bothorel, B., Clavert, A. et al. Reactivite thermique de la peau scrotale chez l’homme. Androl. 2, 48–49 (1992).

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