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Table 3 NPTR and Fitbit parameters in two groups between night one and night two

From: Association between sleep quality and nocturnal erection monitor by RigiScan in erectile dysfunction patients: a prospective study using fitbit charge 2




Group A

Group B

Group A

Group B



9.03 ± 0.30

9.11 ± 0.27

9.08 ± 0.21

9.12 ± 0.19



2.38 ± 0.86*

2.21 ± 0.88

2.54 ± 1.11


0.57 ± 0.83

1.35 ± 0.45*

1.27 ± 0.76

1.38 ± 0.53

 Tip D60%

8.49 ± 4.38

37.54 ± 14.95*

41.26 ± 18.97

47.59 ± 20.82

 Base D60%

12.43 ± 7.20

45.25 ± 15.47*

44.47 ± 19.66

50.66 ± 18.43

 Tip AER

37.77 ± 10.50

66.68 ± 15.90*

66.89 ± 13.91

68.75 ± 15.53

 Baes AER

44.87 ± 14.26

69.50 ± 12.55*

67.85 ± 13.98

71.25 ± 12.71


 TST (min)

422.60 ± 51.05

474.71 ± 24.30*

472.55 ± 24.52

476.55 ± 30.91

 SOL (min)

23.34 ± 9.59

22.05 ± 10.67

22.40 ± 9.88

21.02 ± 16.26

 WASO (min)

98.72 ± 47.00

51.57 ± 13.68*

49.70 ± 16.15

49.80 ± 14.61

 Time in N1 + N2 (min)

301.81 ± 63.93

291.43 ± 48.16

292.17 ± 52.60

292.73 ± 51.15

 Time in N3 (min)

62.34 ± 17.46

73.16 ± 16.08*

72.13 ± 20.70

73.41 ± 22.80

 Time in REM (time)

58.45 ± 30.57

110.13 ± 35.94*

108.26 ± 41.23

109.46 ± 34.78

  1. NPTR Nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity, TTT total test time, EEE Effective erectile events, TET Total erection time, D60% Duration of erectile episodes with rigidity ≥ 60%, AER Average event rigidity, TST Total sleep time, SOL Sleep onset latency, WASO Wake after sleep onset, REM Rapid eye movement
  2. Group A and Group B were the two groups based on the NPTR results;
  3. N1 and N2 were the first night and the second night for participants’ examination;
  4. Data are presented as mean ± SD;
  5. Differences between Group A and Group B within the first night and the second night were assessed by independent t tests;
  6. * P < 0.05 when measurement on Group A was compared with that on Group B